reading group guide
Thank you for reading Gideon’s Revolution. I’m always happy to visit a book club meeting via Zoom to chat for a little while. If you’re interested, please feel welcome to contact me via the About page.
Here are some thoughts and questions—provocations for a good discussion.
If you were in the DeWint House, Washington’s headquarters in Tappan, along with Lafayette, Hamilton, Nathanael Greene, and Benjamin Townsend, how would you make the case for, or against, executing John André?
What forms the bond between Wheatley and Arnold at the Albany hospital?
If Arnold had died at Saratoga, he would be celebrated among our greatest national heroes. Here’s the big question: What caused Arnold to betray the Patriot cause?
What effect does the ocean crossing have on Wheatley as he prepares to find Arnold and take revenge? What effect does his acquaintance with Louisa have on him?